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Make them last! Professional care tips for your Clothes and Accessories

With the rise of investment pieces, conscious choices and intelligent purchases, the preservation of our treasured garments is perhaps more important than ever. What may have sparked that initial investment, was the hope of having this piece in your wardrobe for years to come. The opportunity to pass a treasured item down perhaps. Undoubtedly, a product that embodies quality craftsmanship will rise to the challenge. However, quality items can only remain quality if you invest in a good care routine.

Here are our tips to increase the love and longevity for all of your garments.

Women's luxury accessory

 The wardrobe:

  • Hangers: We are all guilty of it, a wardrobe showcasing a multitude of hangers - plastic, wood, and wire to name a few. Clothes are often hanging on for dear life (literally). We recommend something robust but soft, like a velvet hanger. The soft surface will grip to your clothes and prevent abrasion on wools and delicates. A hanger should support your clothes evenly, this will in turn prevent any stretching, distortion or nuisance creases.
  • Rotate your clothes: By mixing the order of your clothes weekly, you will not only reduce regular wear, but serve as a reminder for those treasures lurking in the back. Allow all of your clothes to flourish, resist that urge to reach for the same blouse time and time again.
  • Always close zippers and buttoning fastenings: A simple but effective solution to prevent other garments from rubbing against the hardware. Which in turn, can cause snagging, wearing and tearing  at the garment's fibers.
  • Space in your wardrobe: Try to make space for your clothes to breath. This allows the fibres to relax and naturally air out. Our clothes work hard for us everyday. It’s only fair they should get some down time.

Bags and Shoes:

  • Storage: As tempting as it is to have beautiful bags on display, handbags should be stored and covered when not in use. Dust bags and boxes will prevent sunlight damage, and a build up of dust. Remove heavy items that might stretch or distort them shape when not in use. Gently stuffing your bag with acid free paper will also help retain the shape of certain forms.
  • Cleaning: Gently spot clean any dirt from your bags and shoes. A warm water and a mild dish soap solution will do the trick. Keeping them clean will protect the material from deteriorating over time.

Women's luxury accessory dust bag


  • Hand wash delicates and wools: Granted it takes a little more time, but this gentle solution prevents the harsh abrasion against the machine and other clothes. This can reduce pilling, preserve fibres and maintain softness.
  • Cool cycle: to hand wash all of your laundry is obviously not realistic. If you need to use a washing machine, opt for a cool wash, and prioritise hand washing for woollens and silk.

 Arm yourself these simple tips and you can guarantee your prized possessions will be thriving next season, and for many more to come.

 Comment below if you have any tips or hacks when it comes to caring for your clothes. We would love to hear from you!


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